Friday, September 14, 2012

A little fall of rain can hardly hurt me now.

I'm going to see Les Miserables tonight at ASU Gammage Theater!
Last night I was prancin' around my mom's room singing "One Day More", because there was one more day until we were going to see it, and I'm freaking clever like that.

So yes, my mom are going to leave in, like, less than an hour to go to Olive Garden and eat a bunch of breadsticks, and maybe some dinner {this is me implying that they have unmatchably delicious breadsticks at Olive Garden}. I am so very very very excited. I wish I had waterproof mascara, though, because I am pretty positive that I will weep {about the show, not the breadsticks}.

Also, I promised Jadyn that I would share with you this video:

So there you have it, folks.

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