I have been brown-hair obsessed lately (but when have I not been obsessed with something hair-related? Like, let's not kid ourselves...), but seriously, look at those gorgeous highlights, and the chocolatey base!
This girl made photo-a-day prompts for every day on your mission!! Like, no kidding! There's one for the MTC (and different ones depending on how long you stay there) and one prompt for every transfer! I want to high-five this girl! This will be great for capturing my happy days in Milan!
So... Ryan Gosling coloring pages, anyone?
Gotta love that Once Upon a Time <3
Sooo, when I pinned this, I got all freaked out because nobody else repinned it, and I started to think that maybe I was an awful person for laughing at this. But please. Somebody. Enjoy this with me.
Gee, this must be true considering the last thing I just laughed at... Shoot.
Well that is just great, so I'll leave you with that. :)
The end.
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